
Showing posts from May, 2023

H.I.3 Havana International 3+

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL CASE REVIEW  H.I.3 Havana International 3+ Frequency - Accostic - Electro-Magnetic Pulse technologies  Full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology use  Detailed review 1980's-2023 case. Canada - USA international  REALITY OF H.I.3 Initially leaked by the one Ontario lab of three privately prior to 2016 then publicly then legally on an international scale with gag orders & non-disclosures lifted + technologies declassified alongside recorded & documented evidence plus traced international offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication  Dr Sydney Bennett's vast portfolio & international efforts 1990's then 2000's-2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Sydney Bennett. Legal rep Karen Fellici

How to communicate with Dr Sydney Bennett

HOW TO SPEAK OR COMMUNICATE TO DR SYDNEY BENNETT H.I.3 Details --------------------------------------------------------- FACTORS  1. WIRELESS DEVICES  Three wireless neuro-tech devices present permanently connected to body. Cypress International Biotechnology + 3 Ontario labs  2. LEGAL  Karen or appointed legal rep under her for H.O.R.B present 3.   EVIDENCE - COPIES  Devices used in tests & trails plus recorded & documented evidence plus traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication copies for H.I.3 present Dr Sydney Bennett with security. Personal assistant & team alongside legal rep  OPEN COMMUNICATION ----------------------------- Ability for Dr Sydney Bennett to speak consciously in control of own body unmanned on the record to any one person or group The unofficial persons speaking on behalf ate not accurate above or below 50% H.I.3 is approved with Dr Sydney Bennett, consciousness involved directly unmanned  COMMUNICATION DELIVERY ---------


H.I.3 CASE - CRIMINAL CASE  - JUNE 1, 2023 - CONCLUSIONS --------------- H.I.3 Case - Havana International 3+ Bookmarks. Read each page throughout the Meta: Facebook & blogger pages ---------------------------------------------------------------- 37-60 hours in total --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO READ & INTERPRET ----------------- Main page - time line pages: Every Meta: Facebook post & photograph description Every Meta: Facebook photo album & photograph + photograph description Every blogger page & post ---------------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZATION WHILE READING ---------- Like a bookmark: Take note of each post or page & photo description read numbering in a personal traditional or digital note pad as you read each page so you can refer back & so you are aware that you read each page accurately, thoroughly & slowly Create an organized plan of act


ILLEGAL EDITS - H.I.3 ---------------------------------- Any person not authorized to log in & edit content in the Blogger pages like corresponding Meta: Facebook pages will be tracked, traced & held accountable with legal action for editing content that they have no legal right over  Tracking & tracing internationally We are tracing IP addresses, IP cover addresses & device identifiers plus anyone person or group logging in through an email address or back door access to point to read through & edit LEGALLY APPROVED  You are as public or any party welcome to read. Read, review, copy, paste & back up then learn from  ILLEGAL - INTERNATIONALLY CRIMINAL  You are not welome to log in & edit content as we will refresh all content back to our final raw & professional edits as chosen  H.I.3 is an advanced international criminal case  -------------------------------------------------------------------- EACH PAGE + POST -------------------------------------- - E


 THE ENTIRE H.I.3 CASE ------------------------------- Havana International 3+ CIG - H.I.3 CASE CITY R & D - H.I.3 CASE SYDNEY BENNETT DR - H.I.3 CASE CENTRAL - MICRO CORP H.I.3: 2023 PLANS ON HOLD ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Sydney Bennett - Situation  May 23, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to lack of negotiations & superiority complexes involved with a "skewed" perspective using assumptions against fact in Canada & some connected in USA & internationally over expectations in decisions The remaining assets including properties of Dr Sydney Bennett in Canada are being sold now before August 1, 2023 just as previous assets were offloadd between 2012-2022 & prior to 201


WHO IS DR SYDNEY BENNETT? Age 38. September 1, 1985 Scientist. Researcher. Inventor. Doctor. Androgynous. Mutilated in experiments Vast list of experience + credentials & style as described in the 11-25 hours description of the H.I.3 Case including blogger pages  Commercial driver. Pilot. Parent of one DNA daughter plus others  Bevarian leader. Corporate CEO & strateggist - suppressed global socialite   Rothschild - Bennett - Savage European bloodline PERSPECTIVE ---------------------------------------------- Traditional - heterosexual boys - girls perspective with a modern approach. Open minded to deviants of law, order & adult respect boundaries & standard globally  Corporate World. Private Island type connected to UN & international perspectives sharing different goals  Independence  Aware of laws & earth's history. Standing with oneself connecting to others  BIRTH ---------------------------------------------------------- Born North Bay, Ontario, Canada 


SEXUALITY - GENDER ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Sydney Bennett versus the three clusters of Ontario labs  Gay shame killing - attempt killings 2012-2023 between other effort + interest in making the doctor hurt & feel like sh*t to death wireless + all efforts taken against  TWO VARIABLES  The doctor. It's one of the two + medical charts & scans paint fact  1. LESBIAN BOY'S - MAN Lesbian female turned hybrid trans male intersex like person to botch de-transition with traditional modern approach in dating Dr Sydney Bennett is the ladies Prince & she is the submissive Princess dynamics socially + privately with equal rights meeting half way separate from legal - financial & security effort  2. STRAIGHT BOYS - MAN Heterosexual male - open mind over modern rights with traditional modern approach Experimented on by one lab not the other left in hybrid gender  Dr Sydney Bennett is the ladies


H.I.3 WIRELESS BRAIN TERRORISM CASE Wireless technology hooked up to people's brains used to terrorize & control them  The Havana International 3+  This case covers a larger accumulated global problem that is being addressed with the most advanced technologies & practices  DECLASSIFIED - GAG ORDERS & NON-DISCLOSURES LIFTED 2016  Havana Syndrome causing full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist  Frequency acoustic - electromagnetic pulse -------------------------------------------------------------------- WE ARE 100% AGAINST USA ------------------------ The United States cannot be trusted. Multiple global Governments cannot be trusted      US - CIA is still as always devided between those invested & others that have morals & a conscience knowing as to what is right or wrong then those that are willing to disregard all laws, rights & carry out illegal, criminal, fraudulent inhumane & unethical acts on unsuspecting citizens they lure in for something else


H.O.R.B LAW - UNDER CITIES RULE -------- Privatization -------------------------------------------- Earth bound concerns We will be re-establishing world peace & structure between alliances & different groups within different countries then different countries while considering H.I.3 as a global case review with our goals & that in which is established & developing as a goal to sustain humanity & global ecosystems, environment & species plus the atmosphere within earth  Space & Universal concerns Universe structure & disclosure of different perspectives & concepts plus evidence of human - specifies origins on earth Scenarios & allies plus threats in space in research plus travel & habitation in planetary research stations then the cargo - passenger aircraft enabling travel within space at a higher level Actual contact versus actual threats versus potential threats Ability to learn & teach different species language & s


WHO IS DR SYDNEY BENNETT? Age 38. September 1, 1985 Scientist. Researcher. Inventor. Doctor. Androgynous. Mutilated in experiments Vast list of experience + credentials & style as described in the 11-25 hours description of the H.I.3 Case including blogger pages  Commercial driver. Pilot. Parent of one DNA daughter plus others  Bevarian leader. Corporate CEO & strateggist - suppressed global socialite   Rothschild - Bennett - Savage European bloodline PERSPECTIVE ---------------------------------------------- Traditional - heterosexual boys - girls perspective with a modern approach. Open minded to deviants of law, order & adult respect boundaries & standard globally  Corporate World. Private Island type connected to UN & international perspectives sharing different goals  Independence  Aware of laws & earth's history. Standing with oneself connecting to others  BIRTH ---------------------------------------------------------- Born North Bay, Ontario, Canada 


H.I.3 WIRELESS BRAIN TERRORISM CASE Wireless technology hooked up to people's brains used to terrorize & control them  The Havana International 3+  This case covers a larger accumulated global problem that is being addressed with the most advanced technologies & practices  DECLASSIFIED - GAG ORDERS & NON-DISCLOSURES LIFTED 2016  Havana Syndrome causing full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist  Frequency acoustic - electromagnetic pulse -------------------------------------------------------------------- WE ARE 100% AGAINST USA ------------------------ The United States cannot be trusted. Multiple global Governments cannot be trusted      US - CIA is still as always devided between those invested & others that have morals & a conscience knowing as to what is right or wrong then those that are willing to disregard all laws, rights & carry out illegal, criminal, fraudulent inhumane & unethical acts on unsuspecting citizens they lure in for something else


THE ENTIRE H.I.3 CASE ------------------------------- Havana International 3+ CIG - H.I.3 CASE CITY R & D - H.I.3 CASE SYDNEY BENNETT DR - H.I.3 CASE CENTRAL - MICRO CORP H.I.3: 2023 PLANS ON HOLD ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Sydney Bennett - Situation  May 23, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to lack of negotiations & superiority complexes involved with a "skewed" perspective using assumptions against fact in Canada & some connected in USA & internationally over expectations in decisions The remaining assets including properties of Dr Sydney Bennett in Canada are being sold now before August 1, 2023 just as previous assets were offloadd between 2012-2022 & prior to 2012


PROFESSIONAL WORK PLACE RELATED H.I.3: May 2023. Review of Dr Sydney Bennett Separate do  workplace medical - physical - psych - hearing - vision covered through work then proactive personal health check ups & dental through benefits & personal cash  FORCED - REVIEWED ------------------------------ At the demand & request of the one Ontario lab & those connected + connected as an effort to sabotage  Gender - sexuality alteration by force Consultation fees $1500 Travel for medical fees Time taken for medical appointments work life trade off financial losses Psych appointments $1500 Name - identity on ID change $2500 Hormones - trans male $7500 Hormones - trans female $7500 Boston - $30,000 US from Calgary  Palm Springs - $20,000 US from Calgary after Toronto & return  Requested to get a chin implant & that is it after jaw fracture by the one Ontario lab & those connected. Chin implant + risk if infection then pout lip botox face is what they w