H.I.3: May 2023. Review of Dr Sydney Bennett

Separate do  workplace medical - physical - psych - hearing - vision covered through work then proactive personal health check ups & dental through benefits & personal cash 

FORCED - REVIEWED ------------------------------

At the demand & request of the one Ontario lab & those connected + connected as an effort to sabotage 

Gender - sexuality alteration by force
Consultation fees $1500
Travel for medical fees
Time taken for medical appointments work life trade off financial losses
Psych appointments $1500

Name - identity on ID change $2500

Hormones - trans male $7500
Hormones - trans female $7500

Boston - $30,000 US from Calgary 
Palm Springs - $20,000 US from Calgary after Toronto & return 

Requested to get a chin implant & that is it after jaw fracture by the one Ontario lab & those connected. Chin implant + risk if infection then pout lip botox face is what they wanted... Dr Sydney Bennett opted no!

PERSONAL CHOICE --------------------------------

Personal conscious request:

Retain birth gender + into thin female only to date-fu*k

Orthographic upper - lower
Braces - dental work
Pinhole gum grafting
Lasik eye surgery minor astigmatism
Lip lift x2 + aligning face from injuries   
Subtle "pout pout" lips - masculine - femanine balance 

Forehead plate - suegery
Under eye filler - cheeks - surgery
Nose plate  - surgery
Jaw contouring - surgery

Review of neck - spinal athletic fusion 2003 & posture plus muscles - fat mass head to toe overall 2004-2023


I, Dr Sydney Bennett do not want to communicate through the inevitable Ontario labs device or face to face in person or through different people you may von tact through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channel's of communication 

Contact me directly to communicate through my legal team 

1-416-841-1563 - text preferred 

MALES --------------------------------------------------------

The straight males of any race of any race, culture or belief 

The gay, bisexual or pansecual males of any race, culture or belief 

The disability - handicap males of any race, culture or belief & sexuality 

Ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+

FEMALES ----------------------------------------------------

The straight female of any race of any race, culture or belief 

The gay, bisexual or pansecual female of any race, culture or belief 

The disability - handicap female of any race, culture or belief & sexuality 

Ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+

TRANSGENDER --------------------------------------------

The straight transgender of any race of any race, culture or belief 

The gay, bisexual or pansecual transgender of any race, culture or belief 

The disability - handicap transgender of any race, culture or belief & sexuality 

Ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+

ANDROGYNOUS LEANING ---------------------------

Male or female & androgynous 

The straight transgender of any race of any race, culture or belief 

The gay, bisexual or pansecual transgender of any race, culture or belief 

The disability - handicap transgender of any race, culture or belief & sexuality 

Ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+



Resume CV

Worked & supported on self between 2002-2023 even while studying 

- March 2020-July 2022 - Covid 19 lay offs

Still found temp work & work as a relief driver & CIG between Cerb & specifics 

- August 2022-May 2023 - H.I.3 Case

Injured - trauma & review of H.I.3 case

Never stopped working. Assited in supporting one daughter 2004-2023

- Syd

Dr Sydney Bennett - Karen Fellici


ROD & MARIE SAVAGE BENNETT -----------------

Rod & Marie despite not having a close relationship with Syd had visited Jackie & Syd as a couple in Ottawa & Kelowna then Calgary between 2007-2014 as they travelled as a couple to study, work & live


The secret deal between Rod & Jackie behind Dr Sydney Bennett's back between 2008 after sisters funeral & 2013 then restablished deal in 2014

Jackie going grocery shopping in North Bay & other areas with Jackie & their secret romance

A house in Niagara Falls was closing in 2014 & Syd accompanies Rod's wife Marie while Jackie & Rod drove down together & were expected to be enjoying a secret fling as Jackie wanted to have Marie & Rod break up divorcing so she could take off with Rod then scam him with her Gay - Bisexual brother Adam for his money then ditch him while fu*king whoever destroying Rod & Marie's marriage while holding Syd accountable stating Syd is the reason while Sydney tried to off-load Jackie for a more suitable person as girlfriend or spouse since her sisters funeral as she's a witch


With property exterior & interior maintenance on their Northern Ontario home then renovations on their one of two retirement residences in Niagara Falls not Vaughan which they later moved to

Syd despite a busy travel schedule & life, career + relationships had made time for Rod, Marie & specifics in the family in the past yet discontinued a relationship between 2015-2016 as they sided with Jackie & Amy Toms over Syd so that ended that: hands wiped clean & see you never

No relationship. Rare talks between Syd & lawyers to Jackie side between 2014-2023 & Jordan + Amy Toms Bennett + others connected including patents Rod, Marie & anyone connected between 2015-2016 & since still now in 2023


See. Can't melt a crazy persons psyche. Already melted on own

- Syd 

Computer - mobile - tablet technology


Custom code + X-code for UI & modern database

WordPress + Drupal

Phython, omg Py is so high level

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation via the off-side rule. Python is dynamically typed and garbage-collected




Frequent & regular persons:

Past & on-going 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers 


Guests flown in or driven in

We are having everyone that operated physically at & with the three clusters if Ontario labs killed alongside family, extended family + those connected within Canada or USA & international


Illegally spying on & through:

People operating at the one Ontario lab thinking they ate superior, experts & above using their opinions, expectations, demands & unwanted advice while spying on & through our brains using the sourced wireless equipment enabling them to be able to do this

Did it stick? (Saved digitally)
Did it dump? (Battery died. Digital electronic died)



It's eider (i-der). Yes. Like i-der (either) a as it appears in ultra-sound scans

Girl to boy to half gender mess
Boy to half gender mess

Like a lesbian essentially due to this with a masculine male kind of balance in agression

Likes vag*nas as a friend. You have vag*na? Kay

You have vag*na  (for dates?) Kay


You find the males pen*s area smell attraction like it's amusement park

You amusement park or she, he or they?

Fu*ker calls me bro & I was like dude I have lesbian boobs & a half gender experimental problem so I am "bro" like... minus my perspective & mindset then birth biological equation but I am a dude like boy to you?

Your assumption

I can put things in a ladies pussy lime a boy if we get down in that way dating or a fling perhaps?

A scandalous fling 

Like a boy (man - person) with a d*ck. Like a real d*ck not a thigh skin coil implant fu*ker

A pen*s. Like where your brain is situated on the boy body 

D*ck brain

THE MALES -------------------------------------------------

Convinced themselves smart. The females know is smart unless stupid. Gender deviants it varies & a Brian is irrelevant as its a brain with eyes attached yet hormones can affect otherwise gender is irrelevant

Your smart or your average or lacking & struggling

Stupid - average - smart

Cute stupid is not acual cognitively lacking or a condition

D*ck brain strip type is a preferrance while the boys expect to be physically stronger & psychologically smarter because they have a pen*s

The smarter people allow those lesser to feel superior despite catering to so they will play ball using a submissive agreement tactic to deal while working around them & their bold, rigid macho effort 

Some trans females retain the d*ck brain approach perspective while others merge closet to female borns

The CIS gender taste skidded culture clash & offended over political correct is laughable 

Boredom & looking for a fight so you feel your being treated with respect yet it's a tool you use wasting time 


70''s switch to metric UK like mathematics & English versus Imperial mathematics & English

Different terms for similar purpose:

- Canadian Rights & Freedoms legislature
- American constitutional rights 

We can figure out where someone is from or what they are referencing for how they are & what they are like or if they are an affected perons by a neuro-tech lab operating in any country based on many factors 


Aww you want to be accepted in the gender you were not born in

Let's talk context. Context of words & communication, reaction & response

Cuss word use to learn

Hatred in reaction or disagreement:

Your a cunt man (or lady)
Your being a cunt man (or lady)
You a stunned cunt

Accepting the fu*k cunt

Your a sexy cunt
Look b*tch your a sexy cunt

Okay so now that we sorted that

Context in vocabulary & communication is important. If your offended your a pussy & should go home & hide under under wet blanket


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